Wednesday, November 27, 2019

US Proposed Plan for Reducing Security Threat by Mexican Drug Cartels

US Proposed Plan for Reducing Security Threat by Mexican Drug Cartels Introduction Terrorism in the modern world has become a big threat to the security of the world and especially the US citizens which is the largest economy in the world. Mexico is a major loophole that can be used by these terrorists because of its border with the US which is very porous. There are several means through which terrorist activities are being carried out around the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on US Proposed Plan for Reducing Security Threat by Mexican Drug Cartels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the ways is Cyber warfare, which has been said to be causing a lot of tension in the US. For instance by stealing intellectual property or commercial espionage are carried out by use computers and information technology. However, the Mexican cartels have not been noted to extensively use cyber warfare to terrorize people. Nevertheless Cyber warfare is still a security risk to US as a nation. This is because there are increased incidences of cyber terror, cyber espionage, hacking and cybercrime in the modern world. The risk that the cyber crime presents is hard to assess therefore its very dreadful as a time bomb waiting to explode. There are more frightful security threats that are posed by Mexican drug cartels. For years now, Mexico has come to be associated with distribution of largest volumes of drugs to the US. This is done by groups of organized crime gangs called cartels. They usually dominate large regions where they base their main operations and they cause unlawfulness in these areas because of their crime activities. They mostly engage in violent activities, drug abuse, and even manipulation of political support. There are a number of cartels that operate in Mexico and their activities often spill into the US. The major cartels include Sinaloa Federation, Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, Juarez cartel, Tijuana, and Beltran Leyva (Oscar, 2004, p. 67). Most of the conflicts being experienced across Mexico are attributed to the operations of these cartels. They basically cause such conflicts so that they can exploit the unstable conditions of lawlessness to do their businesses because in such a condition, they are able to transport and distribute their merchandise without police interference. They can evade police tracking and they control their own trafficking routes when there is no policing structure in place. Mexican drug cartels pose the greatest security threat to US because the two countries border each other and the even on instability in one of them, it’s likely to spills to the neighbor. Furthermore the border has been very porous with many drug cartels operations being done across these areas. The cartels are very dangerous and a reason to be scared because they accept firearms and other weapons in exchange of their drugs (Oscar, 2004, p. 67).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your fi rst paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cartels train their recruits in rigorous military skills especially use of the weapons that they purchase both legitimate and those illegitimately acquired. Furthermore the cartels are able to attract the best talent and brains into their gangs because of the handsome salaries that they offer including other luxury goods like gold jewelry and cars. The drug cartel business is so lucrative that some military personnel even quit their jobs to join the cartels. From statistics, it’s been estimated that about 2.5% of the defense person have joined and continue to join these cartels. Besides the sale of the drugs like marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine, they also smuggle a great number of weapons into Mexico since for them to be able counter the police and their rivals, they require the best weapons and very sophisticated arms. given that the most heinous crimes take place in area controlled by the cartels, these or ganized gangs are able to smuggle weapons through to the US ranging from small arms to very large shipment of armory (Oscar 2004, p. 69). This means that since terrorists are looking to the slightest chance to smuggle their weapons to the US, they can work together with these drug barons to sneak deadly weapons to the US like nuclear war materials. By enhancing their relationships with prisons and the police, the cartels have increased their network in the US to a point where they can easily move or ship their products to distribute them to a very large area. South-western areas of the US are such risky areas that even the National Drug intelligence centre has revealed extensive business deals of gangs like Mara Salvatrutha and Latin King. Comprehensive Strategy for Fighting Background It’s now clear that the drug cartels in Mexico are causing serious mayhem in the country and the war between them and the government has gradually trickled into the US through the porous south- western border. The consequences of this have been that, there are increased murders in these regions sometime of innocent people and kidnapping of the US citizens. Among the notable incidences was the death of Robert N. Krentz who was just killed by a drug peddler while on his farm in Arizona. The US president was forced to 1,200 American National Guard troops to the areas to intensify security. This was a good indication that the US is yet to implement a proper plan of combating such crimes across its border with Mexico, though it was a good reaction for that incidence (United Nation, 2010, para. 3). The dreaded war between Mexican government and the drug cartels will remain to be a threat to the US security for a long time unless the US law makers take up an all-inclusive approach to deal with the violence. These means the US government should step up the effort to secure its borders, crackdown cartel operation in the vulnerable areas and also to assist Mexico in strengthening it s domestic capacity to fight the cartels, convict the gangs and imprison the drug cartel members (United Nation, 2010, para. 3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on US Proposed Plan for Reducing Security Threat by Mexican Drug Cartels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The escalating drug trade is extracting a terrible toll on the US citizens (Chu William, 2009, p. 104). It threatens their lives, the wellbeing of their families, their economy and even their supposedly inalienable freedoms. The illicit drug trade is also a serious threat to the entire National Security because the networks of the drug cartels have a very great potential of destabilizing and corrupting the government and weakening the public safety in the areas that are vulnerable in America. The illicit drug businesses give the cartels great amount of ill-obtained profits and despicable alliances that are built during their operations are used to facilita te terrorist activities and organized crime across the world (Chu William, 2009, p. 104). The US government needs to confront these threats by using combined strategies with Mexico. The combinations of the resources should include law enforcement investigation, diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions, outlawing, developing proper institutions based on disrupting the drug cartel networks especially the markets, institution appropriate financial programs and investigations and establishing federal, local, and state enforcement cooperation (Chu William, 2009, p. 108). The government should intensify the existing law enforcement initiatives that include High Intensity Drug trafficking area (HIDTA), the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and DEA among others. The government should work to improve its interagency coordination and technology enrichment. These undertakings will strengthen the US defense system on its border. Internationally, the government should strive to form alliances with other governments especially Mexico itself so that the processes of interdiction, law enforcement and international development agencies all seek to combat the drug cartels and cut down their profits across the world (Chu William, 2009, p. 109). Cooperation with Mexico is the main ploy for the effort to fight these drug cartels. This cooperation is likely to effectively disrupt the illicit supply of the drugs since its from the source that a great volume of drugs can be stopped before they are sold into circulation in smaller packages considering that the drug traffickers have established big and well organized cartels with adequately trained men, some being ex-soldiers and the type and number of weapons they can access because of the money from larger profits from the trade, the cartels pose a serious threat even to the police force (United Nation, 2010, para. 3). However to ensure that they are fought and buried, it’s only pertinent that the US and Mexico r each an agreement to work together. They should have a plan that is sensible, feasible and has measurable milestones for success or failure. This way the fight against organized crime especially arms smuggling, human trafficking, drug trafficking and possible terrorism will be dealt with at the simultaneously.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Comprehensive Plan The Mexican drug cartels apparently control very big areas across Mexico and their illicit activities are being felt across the world especially in the US. In 2009, about 9,000 people were killed in drug related raids. This year had the worst incidences since President Felipe Calderà ³ declared war on drugs trade. The current US government should be praised for its efforts in combat the cartel activities by continuing what president Bush had left in place. However the government now greatly blames the US drug use, arms law and the current policies that seem to be ineffective (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 15). The Mexican president declared war on the drug cartels after assuming office in 2006 so that he could contain the havoc that the cartels were causing across the country. That venture was not an easy one and up to now, over 23,000 people have died in drug related operations with over 4,000 of them dying this year, 2010. Calderon seems t o be very tough on his stand against the cartels and seemingly, the cartels are now branching out to other illegal businesses like kidnapping and extortion. Since the fights and drug trade basically take place along the US-Mexico border, the violence usually affects the US citizens who are faced with fear of kidnapping, armed gangs and brutal killings ineffective (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 15). As the two countries struggle to finish the cartels, the cartels on the other hand are struggling to find new survival means and they are shifting to other illegal businesses as mentioned earlier and also expanding their networks to the northern parts of US. It’s estimated that the currently, the Mexican drug cartels have connections with over 20,000 street gangs across the United States. These gangs occupy the major cities in west and northern America. Implementing the plan to fight cartels will be a joint venture between the US and Mexico so that the two nations can be sure that the situation is seriously contained. Basically Mexico is not a failed state yet. The government is still in control of its military and other machinery that the state requires to ensure the security of its citizens (United Nation, 2010, para. 4). This is what has allowed the US Agencies to work in collaboration with their Mexican counterparts regarding security operations over the recent past. This is portrayed as a very positive prospect for the future. The following steps are crucial for the plan to function effectively; Identifying and Understanding the Problem: the main problem with the Mexican drug cartels is the insecurity that they cause across the two countries and the possible social impact of drug abuse on the communities. From this cause, Mexico and the United States are required to venture into collaborative attack on the cartels. The attack should be based on the information available from reliable sources like the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE ) (US Department of Justice 2010, p. 45). The US intelligence community should be mandated to provide the information on the cartels especially the amount of threat posed, that is, if it can be quantified. The National Drug Intelligence Center will also offer deeper predictive analyses on the crimes. For this reason, therefore a baseline for the future can be drawn where security operations will be based. All the cooperation plans will be adequately informed (United Nation, 2010, para. 5). This means that the NIE will have to create standard classified information and even the unclassified information just to ensure that the public is adequately educated to be knowledgeable about the nature of the threat. Curbing the Supply of Weapons to Cartels: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) claims that the drug cartels in Mexico acquire thousands of deadly weapons every year from Arizona, Texas and California (Carpenter, 2009, p. 6). Out of the traceable weapons that have been recovered, 90 percent of them were bought in the United States (US Department of Justice 2010, p. 45). This therefore means that if the governments manage to stop this supply, they will have managed to cut off about 90% of the Mexican source of arms to the cartels. Though the gangs can still find some weapons elsewhere this is a step in the right direction. The US should struggle to close all the possible loopholes like ensuring that there are background checks when purchasing guns. It’s estimated that over 40% of the guns acquired by the cartels are usually from selling points that do not carry out background checks during the purchase. ‘Gun shows’ should be closed because they are possible loopholes and that would make the United States much insecure (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 15). A study by the Republican Pollster Frank Luntz indicated that a very big population of the US citizens (over 87%) supported background check of firea rms at their selling points. A second step would be to increase the amount of pressure to be enforced on the law breakers. The US government should give the ATF more resources for its works of investigating the arms dealers who could be linked to the weapons that are found in Mexico ineffective (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 17). It’s been found that merely one percent of the federally licensed arms sellers are responsible for selling 60% of the guns that are associated with drug related crimes (United Nation, 2010, para. 7). The ATF should then crackdown the small number of gun sellers who habitually break the law and demonstrate that there is zero tolerance to unlawful dealings in crime whether by mistake or knowingly sell the guns to Mexican gangs (Carpenter, 2009, p. 6). The US should also illegalize the smuggling of guns from the country and impose a very serious sentence for that crime. Whereas there are specific provisions of the Gun Control Act that state that smuggling weapons into the country is an illegal activity, smuggling weapons out is not clearly illustrated as an offense. This means the crime is generally punishable under general smuggling statute (Warner, 2010, p. 83). Therefore if a special statute provision is provided to append harsher repercussions for smuggling weapons or selling them knowingly to gang members and cartels that eventually end in Mexico would go a great length in limiting those illicit activities. The US Should Stem Cash Flow to the Cartels: it’s estimated that between 20 and 29 billion US dollars cash obtained from the US from the sale of drugs is smuggled back and almost half of it immediately gets into the informal economy of that country after evading detection by authorities (US Department of Justice 2010, p. 45). An operation that was conducted in 2009 by Operation Firewall in an attempt to curb flow of cash and laundering led to seizure of over 200 million US dollars and over 190 arre sts in the united states and other countries. This is just a tip of the iceberg, if this is compared to the amount of cash that is smuggled across the US-Mexico border, the Mexican law is ineffective (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 19). This is why there needs to be joint effort to block this cash flow. This would also be a good start and will still have to be expanded to address the root cause of the problem. The US financial intelligences capacity has to have the ability to understand all the financial flows in the areas that most affected or even interdict money and other laundering deals (Carpenter, 2009, p. 6). More resources should be provided to the Mexico’s Financial Intelligence Unit so that it can deal with numerous cases per year. When more monetary and training resources are devoted to the activity, the results are likely to be efficient (Warner, 2010, p. 83). A joint training program between the US and Mexico especially the US Financial Intellige nces, Treasury Department’s and the Mexican UIF will be able to guarantee effectiveness of the venture. The US policy makers should assess the remittances from the US either legal or illegal are the leading sources of revenue to Mexico where they create a weak economy. Restricting the Operation Capacity of the Cartels: the US government should struggle to create a border security surge, so that the border is transformed into a very secure zone free of cartel operations. Both president Calderon and President Obama have great visions for their countries especially survival in the 21st century and sealing their permeable border into a place of controlled movement (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 20). The idea of a 21st century border is a great one though it would take several years to eventually accomplish. This is expected to improve security, but in the meantime, there is need to cause great boundary security surge to bring order along the border. The main goa ls would be to increase the number of the national guards to be allocated specific responsibilities so that all possible gaps are covered as reviewed by agencies dealing with border information (Warner, 2010, p. 86). The operation will also seek to expand the resources of the homeland security and justice department so that they can afford the best technology when needed. And finally there should be increased sources for the state and local police forces in the states that border Mexico. Increased Intelligence: there need to have more collaborative ventures more than ever before, for US and Mexican law enforcement agencies. The existing collaboration has been seen to be improving since statistics show positive results in the â€Å"mirrored enforcement reports†. The US border patrol now works together with the federal police from Mexico especially on border patrols which are often done simultaneously now. Still more can be done for the purpose of security. The two countries ca n agree to use unmanned US drones to amass information in the drug cartel dominated areas (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009, p. 20). There is need of creating a new program that will be used to collect information by the aerial drones unarmed over US-Mexico border to cover other areas beside the current Texas border. The intelligence should then be shared with Mexican government for proper strategy formulation (Carpenter, 2009, p. 8). The two governments should also look at the possible joint especially forces established to make the raids on the cartel territories to flush out and arrests the leaders. It’s possible that arresting and extraditing the leaders to the governments for prosecution would lead to justice and also scuttle organized cartels. Mexico is already extraditing some criminals for the same reasons. However a more efficient ways of dealing with the deeply rooted cartel would be for the Mexican military to conduct the raid operations banked by the US (Warner, 2010, p. 88). The proficient aerial attacks and logistics of the US military are likely to meet greater goals. Help Improve Mexico’s Justice System: the Mexican justice system needs a lot of reforms for long terms achievements. The US should works hard to give support to Mexico so that it can strengthen its rule of law. Even though this could be costly for both the countries, the insecurity that currently exists is much worse. The judicial system in Mexico should put more pressure on the cartels to impede their operations (Warner, 2010, p. 89). However, the reform process will still be slow but it’s expected that the continuing efforts will have achieved these reforms by 2016. The Mexican judicial system needs more training on the monetary and financial systems for the combined effort to be effective (Carpenter, 2009, p. 9). The local and state police in Mexico also need serious training in addition to the reforms being initiated in the courts and other gover nmental institutions. The Mexican military is under thorough reforms under a program called the Meridia initiative (Carpenter, 2009, p. 13). The programs have to be expanded to meet more law enforcement agencies and the entire legal system to be professionalized. Crackdown the Markets in the US: considering that the drug cartels have over 2,500 connections in the US cities, the US citizens are threatened greatly. Severing these networks and cutting the links with the controlling cartel is not only necessary but also inevitable. This is the most essential step of disrupting and dismantling the dominant cartels (Carpenter, 2009, p. 13). The US justice department led the â€Å"Project Deliverance† which was an inter-agency (included over 300 agencies) boundary operation that was set to fight the cartels trafficking networks. The project put a lot of pressure on the distribution links in the US resulting in over 2,266 arrests and 154 million dollars were seized with 2.5 tons of c ocaine, 69 tons of marijuana among other drugs as well as over 500 vehicles. The project is a robust program that involves state securities and international agencies to disrupt cartel networks in America. Since this model was somehow a success, it can be used as a basis for disruption of cartel networks (Carpenter, 2009, p. 13). From it, new programs can be created to deal with drug cartel activities. Ultimate Operations The drug cartel problem and insecurity is a very big problem that entangles a lot to the US systems including illegal immigration, prisons, education and the law enforcement. Basically there are some factors that need to be resolved first before the ultimate operations can begin. First is the gang culture. Many Mexican do not value education considering that there are cheaper means of earning money besides going to school and developing a good career. Now the new problem is not even the Mexican but the America Mexican born in America or even illegal immigrants. Mos t of them have been found to have poor education (Smith, 2006, p. 56). For instance the education level of Mexican men who form larger percentage of illegal immigrants is very low at the bottom of the spectrum with least number of people with college degrees and most of them are high school dropouts. Even the US born Mexican youths always attach themselves to Mexico and still maintain their culture of carelessness. They are very arrogant and very aggressive committing very brutal crimes in some cases (Smith, 2006, p. 56). This problem begun as early as 1940s, as Mexicans started immigrating to US to better their lives and currently about 4% to 10% of the Mexican Youths subscribe to criminal gangs in America. The other cause of lawlessness is the inadequate reforms among law enforcement agencies in Mexico (Smith, 2006, p. 56). Basically the ability of Mexico to deal with drug cartels should be founded on the total overhaul of the judicial institutions and law enforcement agencies. In the past, the police basically preserved order and not crime resolution. They were therefore corrupt, inefficient, uneducated and dependent on crime as they even drove stole vehicles (Smith, 2006, p. 59). Corruption is one major obstacle in the fight against cartels. This is a very strong tool for the cartels because they have power to corrupt top law officers with large cash amounts, use violence and coercion and even cause serious mayhem in certain areas. The idea of money or bullet commonly phrased as â€Å"plata† (silver) or â€Å"plomo† (lead) has for so long been an effective tool for traffickers (Beith, 2010, p. 41). Government official were hence corrupt and totally engulfed in drug dealings. Political will is also been used as a weapon. President Calderon has been very aggressive in dealing with crime. For that reason, all politicians who supported him faced some threat. At times, some politicians have been killed in the past and the gangs have used them as r eference to scare other people like ‘Did you see what happened to so and so? The same could happen to you† †¦ this instills fear in people (Beith, 2010, p. 41). In 2009, Revolutionary party swept five governor positions out of the available six. This basically showed that there was a serious shift of political support from the President’s National Action party to the revolutionary party which is a little tolerant. He maybe loosing the popularity partly because of the fight he has set against these cartels (Beith, 2010, p. 46). There are three ultimate missions of the place to stop drug cartel threat to the US security. The three strategies only seek to expand cross-border bilateral cooperation based on the common enemy and shared dreams of dealing with insecurity (Carpenter, 2009, p. 13). Cooperation: the meeting between President Bush and Calderon led to a paradigm change from grudges to partnership between the two nations. This is where the Meridia initiati ve was born and it’s now a very large and comprehensive plan for fighting cartels. The program was set to run for three years and 1.4 billion dollars were spent on it (Wasler, 2010, p. 6). The basic objective was to strengthen Mexican institutions to enhance their capacities to hunt and deal with complex crime and trafficking gangs. The US has also provided its Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) personnel to help in recruitment and training of law enforcement officers in Mexico for the Mexican sensitive Investigative unit. This way, there will be great enhancement of intelligences across the countries’ departments. Another important dual venture is the Border Enforcement Security Task Forces (BEST); this is an operation task force that makes use of the intelligence obtained from the partnership to propel investigations and organize the members for intensify security on the borders (Wasler, 2010, p. 6). Containment: the objective of the US forces as they seek to ensu re security for its citizens has been to contain or stop smuggling of any kind ranging from illegal immigrants, human traffickers, illicit commodities, drugs and other unlawful activities through the borders in order to stop any problems that could be associated with these illegal dealings (Wasler, 2010, p. 7). First, the US established a special department for this purposes, the border patrol in 1924 and recently, the setting up of the Secure Fence Act in 2006. The US is now positive that it can manage to contain the drug cartels threats from Mexico to a considerable level. The border security has been modified over years through several revisions, from Southwest Border security to new 2009 law and seemingly more efficient institution called Homeland security headed by Janet Napolitano (Wasler, 2010, p. 8). The office of national drugs control policy (ONDCP) formed collaboration with DHS to fight narcotics smuggling across southwestern border. Blame America and not Mexico: itâ€⠄¢s quite evident that the US domestic drug abuse is the reason why there is production of drug in Mexico because this offers ready market. Some of its gun laws as identified earlier have big loopholes and the economy is also very open (Wasler, 2010, p. 9). Acceptance of co-responsibility yielded good results and now the cartels are feeling the pressure. Even the US former president Clinton noted that the American insatiable need for the drugs is what drives the trade. The inability to control firearms and other lethal weapon from being smuggled out of the country offers the gangs the weapons to counter government raids and other efforts to stop them (Wasler, 2010, p. 9). However, there is new readiness to contain drug cartels where several combined initiative are already in place and other laws are being prepared to make smuggling of weapons out of US illegal and also reevaluate other domestic policies that deal with drug trafficking from Mexico. Reference List Beith, M. (2010). â €Å"The Last Narco,† Grove Press, New York, pp. 40-55. Carpenter, T.G. (2009). â€Å"Troubled Neighbor: Mexicos Drug Violence Poses a Threat to the United States,† Policy Analysis, no. 631. Chu, V.S., William, J.K. (2009). â€Å"Gun Trafficking and the Southwest Border:† Congressional Research Service,† Library of Congress; Washington, DC. Oscar B. (2004). â€Å"New Traffickers Struggle for Control of Mexican Drug Trade,† Janes Intelligence Review. Smith, R.C (2006). â€Å"Mexican New York- Transnational Lives of New Immigrants,† University Of California Press; Berkeley, CA. U.S. Government Accountability Office, (2009). â€Å"Firearms Trafficking: U.S. Efforts to Combat Arms Trafficking to Mexico Face Planning and Coordination Challenges,† GAO-09-709, pp. 14–16 Retrieved from United Nation. (2010). â€Å"Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment,† United Nation Publisher Retrieved from United States Department of Justice. (2010). â€Å"National Drug Intelligence Center,† National Drug Threat Assessment 2010. Retrieved from Warner, J. (2010). â€Å"U.S. Border Security: A Reference Handbook,† ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA. Wasler, R. (2010). â€Å"U.S. Strategy Against Mexican Drug Cartels: Flawed and Uncertain, Heritage Foundation,† Backgrounder, No. 2407.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Vampire’s Kiss Essays

A Vampire’s Kiss Essays A Vampire’s Kiss Paper A Vampire’s Kiss Paper â€Å"If you could live forever, what do you live for? † This is the tagline of the latest and box-office vampire movie, Twilight. Revolving around the life of an awkward 17-yr old girl, Twilight is a film about the new life and the inconceivable love Bella Swan found. Pressed to live with her father in Forks, Washington after her mother remarried, Bella came to know a secret kept away from humansthe true existence of vampires. In her first day at Forks High School she became an instant celebrity, what with her damsel-in-distress nature and pale yet stunning beauty. Not only had she been the center of attention but Bella had also got contact with the beautiful god-like Cullens. And as she gets to know the Cullens more, especially the irresistible mind-reading Edward Cullen, her life was put more into danger. It seemed it’s not only humans that found her very appealing, but her scent was mouth-watering to vampires too; thus she became the object fought for by the Cullens and the nomads James, Victoria, and Laurent. A classic battle between good and evil, this time portrayed as a clash involving the vampires that vowed to drink only animals’ blood and those who yearn for humans’ blood, Twilight presents heart-pounding scenes as the fight between James and Edward for Bella’s life ensues. In the end, Edward’s love for Bella conquered all and they went to intimately dance at the school ball. A movie that would make you wish you were a teenage girl, Kenneth Turan of the New York Times believes Twilight succeeds in capturing the essence of the book from where it was adapted. Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight saga, is not exactly a great literary stylist but she has come up with one heck of a romantic concept. (http://movies. nytimes. com/2008/11/21/movies/21twil. html) And that is exactly what is shown in the motion picture; the scheme of how love could cross the boundaries of life and death just to be with the one you love most. There are several things that made this film a big hit. One, it got a good plot and a problem that matches that of the Oscar-winning â€Å"Ghost. † While there had been more than handful vampire movies from then until now, Twilight had still made its marked, the newest Dracula now known by the name Edward Cullen. Two, it’s brought to life by a playwright, Melissa Rosenberg, and a director, Catherine Hardwicke, with astounding reverence. Hardwicke particularly, as Turan says, â€Å".. whose entire career has been built on the veneration of young adults, Hardwicke has connected so intensely to the Meyer novel that its hard to imagine anyone else making a better version. † (http://movies. nytimes. com/2008/11/21/movies/21twil. html) And lastly it was acted out by actors, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Bella and Edward, who put their heart out to their roles. Turan even compared it to Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor when they did Camille for George Cukor. On the whole, the movie had been a watchful. Not only were the scenes gorgeously produced but the casting, as well as how the roles and the lines were delivered was outstanding. The movie review, made by Kenneth Turan, only made me realize more how wonderful Twilight has been made, despite the fact that it was a low-budget film. It’s a great movie, indeed a motion picture to be talked for years to come. I like it not just because Robert Pattinson was a handsome Edward or I wish that I was Kristen Stewart but also because it touched my inner feminine persona. Every woman and every girl wishes for a knight-in-shining-armor to come and sweep them off their feet. Even when a girl or a woman shows a very strong character, deep inside she is wishing for a prince that would show her the true meaning of love, and how it really feels to love and be loved. Twilight is a movie that captures that essence and for that truth, Twilight, for me, gains two thumbs up. Turan, Kenneth. â€Å"Twilight. † The New York Times. 6 April 2009. http://movies. nytimes. com/2008/11/21/movies/21twil. html [Turan, Kenneth. â€Å"The Love That Dare Not Bare Its Fangs. † New York Times. 21 November 2008. ]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Graphic Design research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Graphic Design research paper - Essay Example It is, therefore, not possible to use only one approach to all data variants. Effective communication begins with the right choice of the channel. Failure to choose wisely may result to misinterpretation and confusion. Cluttering of the piece also creates distortion and disrupts the smooth decoding of the information one wishes to communicate (Morra-Imas and Rist 478). The design used must accomplish a certain goal. In coming up with the design, the human emotion is taken into consideration. The designer or communicator aims at eliciting an emotion that allows the reader to follow the design and decode the meaning. Once data is available, the communicator lays out the available options for presenting it meaningfully to arrive at the most appropriate design. The design must take into account the target audience in terms of intellectual perception, age or even profession. A suitable design is a result of skillful coordination of elements. Often, how effectively information passes to th e reader depends on the appropriate choice of design. For a successful design, various principles gain consideration. As outlined by Resnick (24), the principles of design include; balance, emphasis, rhythm, unity, and contrast. Balance deals with distribution of design elements in the design. Balance occurs when the distribution is uniform. Two types of balance exist; asymmetrical, and symmetrical. Symmetrical balance occurs as a result of equal arrangement of elements on both sides of a composition. If elements become skewed to one side, an imbalance occurs. The choice of balance depends on the dynamic movement the designer wants to create. Emphasis is the element that gains instant recognition. Its purpose is to attract attention. It forms the most salient feature on the visual presentation. To achieve emphasis, a designer may make the element larger or bolder or code it in a contrasting or brighter color than the adjacent elements. Rhythm presents the way in which the elements i n the design direct the reader’s gaze. A sequence forms when the rhythm creates a reading order. Repeating elements create the impression of rhythm. Unity is another principle. A design achieves unity if the elements relate to each other to create an impression of completeness. Unity is essential in eliciting interest in a reader. Two approaches gain application in achieving unity. These are; grouping, and ground. Grouping happens by placing elements close together such that they appear as part of a group. Ground occurs when a viewer identifies an object distinctly from its base or background. The final principle is contrast. The principle emphasizes visual differences in terms of shape, size, and color of the individual elements. Contrast focuses the attention of the viewer to certain areas of information. recognizes additional principles to those of Resnick (24), above. Proximity deals with elements arrangement on the page. The intention of proximity is the c reation of unity by placing like elements together. Alignment is the other principle that gains recognition. Alignment deals with the organization of the design, and the expression of the outlook. Lack of alignment gives an impression of sloppiness just as the same way that mixing too many elements. Distortion of alignment is, however, necessary when a designer wants to create an impr

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Recording labels & Music Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Recording labels & Music Marketing - Essay Example It has a significant presence in the region. Besides, the record label has a number of artists signed to it. It accords a platform for marketing and promoting all these artists irrespective of their status. For instance, in their website, they have a portal which allows the artists to have their music promoted via a digital store. The digital store, as it is in most cases, is always connected to the iTunes stores. With the advent of information age together with the opportunities presented by it, digital platforms for promoting music is a necessary part of the promotion (Brae, 2012). Brief Background on the All Around the World The music label was formed in 1990. It should be noted that demographically, the record label is located in England but it has signed artists from various parts of the globe. The artists signed to the label are mainly determined by the genre of music in which it specializes in. Largely, the genre of music for the group was dance. However, it is apparent that i t had to conform to modern trends in music. Consequently, the music group also incorporated Rnb as a genre in its production. The record label does the promotion of its music products through the universal music group which is an established music marketing and producing company. The transformations that have been at the company have seen it sign even hip-hop artists. Hip-hop is a genre of music that has been incorporated into the recording label’s staple. Some of the artists who have been signed to the group in the recent past whose music has been of hip-hop genre include Skepta. The following discourse partly focuses on Skepta in terms of his music. Skepta Skepta is a rapper who is English. His real names are recorded to be Joseph Adenuga. The rapper is of African descent. The rapper has had different compilation albums as well as mixtapes. His first album was the one released in 2007. The name of the album was called the Greatest hits. This gave the artists a platform whic h saw to his rise and popularity especially when he released the single titled Bad Boy. Mixtapes as Part of Music Culture Mixtapes are a ways through which artists promote themselves. They are unlike compilation or studio albums. The copyright rules do not actually apply to them. In reference to the artist in focus, he has had three mixtapes. The first one was titled Been there done that. The date of release of that compilation was in 2010. The second mixtape was titled community payback. This was released in 2011 and was hosted by the renowned DJ Whoo Kid. In hip hop music, this has been used by various artists to launch and even propel their careers. A notable beneficiary of this was 50cent. It is arguably true that Curtis Jackson is one of the biggest names in hip hop in recent times. While trying to gain an entry into the music industry, he made a name through a mixtape titled How to rob the industry. In the music, he made comical inferences to already established music icons li ke Jay Z. by doing what he did, he attracted attention on him. Consequently, it acted as a platform for promoting his talent. Urban Radio Industry The urban industry for radio in the UK has progressively grown in leaps too. Over the years, the radio stations have played a vital role in the music culture. They promote artists and contribute fairly in the marketing of their music. A few years back, there were few registered FM stations. Most of the stations then were pirates. These stations included Rinse FM which

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Humans Live in a World Where Everything Tries to Make You Something Else Essay Example for Free

Humans Live in a World Where Everything Tries to Make You Something Else Essay Identity is now so hard to define. No longer as simple as whom am I? Identity is it solid or fixed? Neither is it constantly changing from birth till death. In addition to the problems faced with growing a developing an individual also faces problems from ideas surrounding personal problems. These can be examples from the environmental influence, such as arriving into a new school or even a new culture. These experiences can be both positive and negative though, negative as they may leave an individual disillusioned with their direction and place in life, yet positive in the way that an individual may feel reinvigorated and their perception of personal boundaries removed. Growing up in Australia is a short collection of stories from various artists that entails their stories of being different to others and the challenges that they faced in order to fit in when their identities are so different. Sticks and Stones and Such Like by Sunil Badima is a story about How being different, can isolate an individual and make it difficult for them to belong. The main difference in this story is the name Sunil, it singled him out and showed his different nature compared to everyone else. The way that people couldn’t pronounce it only served to exacerbate his push for a more ‘western’ name, Neil. This changing of an identity, from the Indian Sunil to the Aussie Neil, represents how people are willing to change and conform in order to fit in and be accepted by others, even going so far as to forego cultural preoccupations. How to be Japanese by Leanne Hall is a story that Discusses the stereotypes that exist, the racial prejudices that those from a culture deemed the minority are subject to. An individual cannot control how they look yet they’re judged about this. The cultural differences usually hinder an individual, whereby once cultural values sporting exploits as that of success another views success educationally as high marks, yet it is the minority group which is subjected to being stereotyped. This stereotyping is an action that removes an individual’s identity, placing an individual into a wider group whereby they lose their identity, given a set of predetermined characteristics, which is extremely common amongst the racial groups, e. g. the Japanese love hello Kitty. Reveals how a loss of identity can occur as an individual is adjudged to be something else before qifference, alienating them, difficult to conform. A personal identity is impossible without belonging to a family, society and culture. Without Belonging to a group somewhere an individual cannot hope to find their identity, the two are inextricably linked. Without a place in the world, an individual is lost and cannot hope to find their place. This is shown progressively throughout the film of Skin. Because Sandra is coloured and her parents and brother are white, she is constantly confused about her identity and who exactly she is. rBelonging is an innate predisposition that majority of the populous seek the feeling of acceptance and a place in the groups ranks offers. Once Sandra relises she cant find this within her family and the society she grew up in she looks to the Black people of South Africa to find a sense of belonging. Belonging to a group offers a sense of security and acceptance that people seek. It is through this environment that an individual will learn and their identity flourishes under the experiences of the group and that of their own, belonging to a group reaffirms our own identity. Whilst belonging to a group may culminate in the formation of an identity, this may not be the true potential of the individual. This influence may upon an individual’s identity may be detrimental, their identity a mere extension of the group’s prerogative. May also lead to an individual being stereotyped and/or alienating their past. Therefore those that cannot belong or alienate themselves from the rest of society struggle to find their place in the world, they are constantly drifting, the question of who am I, left unanswered. This is emphasised throughout the film Skin as Sandra is constantly changing her state as a white South African to a colored South African, so that she is able to find a sense of identity and belonging. People are put into groups, like family and school, and this is a struggle when it conflicts with identity. Whilst belonging to a group, the choice to conform is one that most people must make, we are all born into a group of some degree. Yet it is this place within a group, the arrangement of parameters that can lead to conflict surrounding an individual’s identity. When we are born, we are born into a family environment, born into a group already. Yet through this group, as individual’s we learn and model ourselves off the actions of those in the group, the decisions and perceptions of its members are reaffirmed onto our own. Yet this predetermined group can cause problems for our identity as individuals. This family whilst providing a base from which an identity can develop, also masks an individual’s identity, the individual may have of been raised in the interests of the group, unfulfilling their true potential. Moreover this placement of an individual occurs through other avenues of life as well. At school an individual may be labelled, stereotyped in a particular way based upon something as simple as they way in which they dress. This stereotyping and prejudice can breed only conflict within an individual as they struggle to determine who they truly are, are they the person they are perceived as? Or are they more? Furthermore in order to fit into a group, an individual’s conformity may be misaligned with the values and perceptions of this group, only giving birth to further conflict surrounding an individual’s identity. They struggle to find who the truly are, their true identity against the restraints that conformity offers them. There is conflict between identity and belonging. Where conflict is resolved it is good for the individual’s identity. The need to belong is an innate predisposition for most humans. As we are social creatures we seek a place in the world, a place where we can be accepted, a place of security. Yet in our willingness to conform, conflict can arise between an individual’s identity and that of the group. This discrepancy something that breeds only discontent as an individual discovers that the interest of the group may be misaligned to those of their own. Furthermore in a group the needs of the group are put before those of the individual, thereby stifling the true identity. Yet this creates further conflict as some of the decisions of the group, the choices that it makes may not be reflective of those of the individual. As the individual takes second wrung to the needs of the group, the individual may become discontent about where they are, questioning their own identity.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Drugs :: essays research papers

Drugs Which race has uses drugs most often?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  African America Which race has the second highest percent for drug use?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whites What gender uses drugs most often?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Males Is the percentage of people who use illicit drugs higher for married or unmarried people?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unmarried DRUG AND THE STATES What state has the worst drug problem?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  California Over the last three years has the drug use for kids grade 6-12 increased or decreased?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Decreased In grades 6-12 what was the illegal substance used most over the past three years drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcohol In 1999-2000 what had a higher annual use cigarettes or drugs?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cigarettes THE GOVERNMENT What drug can doctor prescribe to help narcolepsy?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Date Rape Drug/ GHB What drug helps certain types of cancer?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marijuana What drug manufactured first by the government was supposed to fight morphine addiction, but turned out to be more addictive than morphine?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heroine What drug mixed with water by doctors can be used to numb the eyes and nose for surgery ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cocaine SMUGGLING What is the worlds biggest producer of illicit opium-- the drug from which heroin and morphine come?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Afghanistan What is one of the major centers for smuggling cocaine and heroin?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mena, Arizona What president decided to stop Mexican marijuana and heroin by searching every third car that crossed the boarder?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  President Nixon What did the U.S. government do quickly with that policy?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They dropped it INGREDIENTS: 8 cups popcorn, popped 2 cups Spanish peanuts 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 6 Tablespoons butter 3 Tablespoons light corn syrup 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon salt DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Remove all unpopped kernels from popped corn. Put popcorn and peanuts into a large baking pan. In a 2 quart saucepan combine sugar, butter or margarine, corn syrup, and 1/4 tsp.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Latino Culture Related to Purnell Model Essay

Cultural competence is the ability to interact well with people of different cultural backgrounds (Rundle, 2002). It provides the best ways of meeting the needs of diverse patient population which is always on the increase, as well as ways of effectively advocating for them. This means that cultural competence has the benefit of enabling nurses to deliver services that respect and effectively respond to health beliefs and practice needs of diverse patients. Through the process of globalization, nurses are moving to places of nursing shortage to offer their knowledge and skills beyond their home country (Campbell, 2003). In this case, information about culture, ethnicity and race becomes important to nursing profession and health care. This paper examines the culture of Latino’s under the guidelines of Purnell’s Model of cultural competency. It looks at issues relating to health promotion, disease prevention and management factors affecting health which are basically the aims of community health nursing. The Purnell model is a model that was developed to provide and organize framework for nurses to use as cultural assessment tool. The model is a concept where all people have been represented at various levels. They range from global society, community, family and the individual and I will utilize this model to explore the Latino community. Heritage/Culture selected Latino includes any person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South American, Central American or other Spanish culture regardless of race (Crouch, 2004). Their origin can be viewed in different perspectives including country of birth of the person or person’s parents before their emigration, heritage, nationality group or lineage. Latino may be of any race, including Black, White, Asian and Native American. The reason for their migration to new places include availability of work, housing from friends and families which had already settled in new places, availability of bilingual education, better living conditions, and a better quality of life. Some of the occupations that have been associated with Latino include restaurants, construction, and factories. Communication Language is considered the most important characteristic of any culture and within the Latino community the dominant language that is spoken is Spanish, although it has been found that the younger Latino population has made English their preferred language of use. As such, Spanish speakers are scarce among the general population and this could be a barrier to the success of immigrants who do not speak English well. As regards nonverbal communication, maintaining eye contact can be interpreted as intimidating. Latino social norms give emphasis to the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships. Latino’s tend to have an indirect communication style. Respect is highly valued and shown by using formal titles and by being very polite and all members of the family take part in this. Family roles and organization The culture of Latinos is socialistically characterized by dominant cooperative group activities. While working in a group not all are expected to do equal share and not working is not looked at as an offensive behavior. Responsibilities are shared among the community and the whole group is held accountable for its actions. Harmony and cooperation have been emphasized and there is little room for individual function. The father or the oldest male relative is given the greatest power. The women, on the other hand, are expected to submit to these men. As for child rearing, grandparents play a vital role in this process in imparting moral values to children, for instance, regarding good marriage practices. Divorce is unacceptable and the petitioners could be treated as outcasts. Workforce Most of the occupations that are associated with Latino’s include those in hotel and restaurant, construction and factories. However, it is worth noting that a great deal of Latino’s are private wage and salary workers and many others employed as chief executives, physicians and surgeons, teachers, lawyers and reporters. With regard to women, their primary role is to fully participate in the Hispanic culture and keep the family together. Bio-cultural ecology When it comes to identifying the Latino’s population by a type of skin color most would consider themselves as Caucasian while a few identify themselves as Black. Many others associate themselves with indigenous race while others are increasingly identifying themselves as â€Å"other†. Their origins range from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Guatemala. Notable differences among the Latino groups center on the aspects of language refinement, educational status, cultural values and attitudes toward mental health treatment (Brice, 2001). I found that an America Latino’s are prone to illnesses such as COPD, diabetes, asthma and obesity. Diabetes and heart disease are great in Latinos then the non-Latin population is attributed to lifestyles difference such as the intake of fatty foods. It is very difficult to detect some illnesses due to their biological variations of individuals from the Latino communities. Some illnesses take time before they are detected and effectively treated and that is why there is no specific genetic disease associated with the Latino community. But research has been known to find cases of sickle cell diseases as well as cystic fibrosis in these individuals. Sickle cell disease is found in 1 out of 24 Latino’s while 1out of 46 Latinos is believed to have cystic fibrosis. High risk behaviors Poverty and high drop-out rates have resulted in high drug use cases and unsafe sexual practices among the Latino’s. Findings have revealed that Latino students of 12th grade registered highest rate of use of illicit drugs such as crack and heroin. However, older Latino’s registered lower drug use compared to other races. Case studies have revealed that the use of seatbelts was least among the Latino’s, therefore increasing the risks of crash fatality. Nutrition Food has a very important role in the culture of Latino’s. In some cultures, food is given as a combination of food and herbs either when hot or cold. Typically, good appetite is linked to good health. The food preferences of children are respected and they are not forced to eat what they don’t want. There’s a belief that a child might fall sick if given food of the wrong temperature. Mothers always withhold food that might cause illness to children. Experience has made them identify a list of harmful foods and this is passed along from generation to generation (Brice, 2001). Pregnancy and child bearing practices The pregnant women are told what to do according to what their culture says, resulting in lower participation in their own health care. These women prefer that their mothers attend to them during their labor (Noble & Lacasa, 1990). Pregnancy is treated as a hot condition; hence foods characterized as hot are avoided. This might not be a good practice because proteins, which are considered hot, are avoided by these women. Death rituals There is a belief that when a person dies, the person has moved to a different phase of life (Noble & Lacasa, 1990). Even though the person isn’t there physically, they believe the person still lives in spirit. In traditional Latino families, the bulk of care provided for a terminally ill family member is performed by female relatives who are unlikely to ask for outside help to cope with the stress of looking after someone who is close to death. Ideally, spending time with a family member who is close to death allows relatives to resolve outstanding issues within the family. Spirituality Most Latino’s are affiliated to Catholicism with others attending Protestant churches. A small percentage of Latino’s fall under secular domain. Most of them attend churches characterized by many Latino’s attendees and Hispanic clergy where services are offered in Spanish. This religious faith also treats all human life as sacred. Therefore, spiritually if a Latino feels pain or illness arise this may be seen as a test of the individual’s and the family’s religious faith. Heath care practices and health care practitioner Latino’s have retained their traditional health practices, although the use of Western medicine is more prevalent. The result of this is that modern health care practices such as screening tests and use of preventive health care measures haven’t been adopted. This has also been attributed to a lack of health insurance which results in fewer visits to medical practitioners. According to my findings â€Å"physical and mental illness have mostly been attributed to an imbalance between the person and the environment, with influences being emotional, spiritual and social state† (Campbell, 2003). Conclusion I choose the Latino community to focus on because according to research the Latino’s is one of the ethnic cultures that is rapidly growing in the United States of America. It is evident that the Latino community is a culture rich group. For a society that is socialistic in nature, its values and beliefs are predictable; their aim is to put people together, which is a good idea. As much as these beliefs are accepted and respected, some of them are obviously retrogressive and should be done away with. For instance, restricting hot foods for pregnant women; this means that most of them will lack proteins. It is ultimately up to the nurses and the people to understand, and respect the differences that exist between them so that they respect each other’s views in the end. My reaction to their belief is I am glad that I am not considered a part of their culture. I think it is unfair that the women take on a weak role. I am a strong, outspoken, competent, independent individual. I love my family and I will do anything for them but there has to be boundaries. Reference Brice, A. (2001). The Latino child: Speech, language, culture and education. (1st ed., pp. 64-77). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. Campbell, C.R. (2003). Two eagles in the sun: A guide to U.S Hispanic culture. (3rd ed., pp. 26-38). Houston, Texas: Two Eagles Pr. Crouch, N. (2004). Mexicans & Americans: Cracking the culture code. London, England: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Noble, J., & Lacasa, J. (1990). The Hispanic way: Aspects of behavior, attitudes and customs in the Spanish-speaking world. (1st ed., pp. 46-58). Lincolnwood, IL: Passport Books. Purnell, L. (2008). Guide to culturally competent health care (Purnell, guide to culturally competent healthcare). (2nd ed., pp. 66-78). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F.A. Davis Company. Rundle, A. (2002). Cultural competence in health care: A practical guide. (2nd ed., pp. 82-90). Hoboken, New Jersey: Jossey-Bass.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Evaluation of instructional materials Essay

Introduction As a teacher, it is your responsibility not just to teach but to guarantee that the students are learning and you must create an active and motivating learning experience for the students. The Worldwide web gives choices of wide variety of instructional resources that you could use as your teaching tool. In choosing instructional materials, the teacher must consider not just its availability or the ease of use but more on its learning outcomes. An instructional resource should meet the purpose and the objectives of the lessons and flexible to the students’ differences such as ability, interests and learning style. The objectives, the students, learning environment and the availability of the resources are some factors to consider in choosing an instructional material (Morton, 2003). Design â€Å"The content is accurate, logical and well organized, objectives are clearly defined, and the content helps to achieve the necessary objectives. † The resource should be well planned and concrete to maximize the available learning materials and to save time. The objectives should be attainable with regards to the students ‘grade level making sure that after the instructional process, learning outcomes are anticipated. It should foster critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making (Alto). â€Å"Examples are meaningful and helpful, questions are presented clearly. † Ease of communication is important so that the students would easily grasp the information or ideas relayed by the teacher. â€Å"Important points are emphasized, the amount of information presented is comfortable and the instructional material is free of gender, race, religion or ethnicity bias. Media elements fairly represent composition of career fields in terms of gender and race. † It is also important to consider the cultural backgrounds of each student. Each student has the right for equality in learning therefore the teacher should make some adjustments to the students with different customs from the rest of the class. † Information is clear and current, facts come from reliable source which are clearly define. † Instructional technologies should be incorporated in the learning experience to enhance student understanding. Digital libraries, computational tools, virtual environments, modeling and visualization and connectivity are among the up-to-date learning process that students should be familiar of. â€Å"Content moves learners beyond the basics and encourage high level of thinking, students are engaged in applying what they learn. Lay-out is consistent. † The projects should have relevant application that the student will look forward to make after the learning process. â€Å"The Content is culturally diverse; product accommodates unique learning styles and various ability levels. Assessment methods are challenging, appropriate and suitable to learning goals. † The instructional materials should be appropriate to student differences such as interest, ability and learning style. â€Å"Teachers can easily assess students’ progress by evaluating the outcomes provided within the product, reading level is appropriate for target audience and the product is suitable for the age and grade level. † The evidence of learning should be evaluated as to determine the extent to which the goal and objectives are achieved. The development process, the reliability of implementation, the students learning as well as the teacher development should be attained. Procedures Students must make the most of his or her senses such as touch, sight, auditory, and smell in doing activities that will develop not just the intrapersonal learning but the interpersonal development as well. Interaction among students will make the learning process easier and more enjoyable and the teacher must have the means of motivating the students in order for them to finish the activity, instruction or the discussion. Clarity Readings and visual aids should be able to attract the attention and interest of the students. The teacher should have user-friendly visual aid that will further enhance the students’ imagination and thinking. Computer softwares have options for making the presentation more attractive such as colorful backgrounds, animations and sound effects that will be helpful for the students learning process. Efficiency Instructions should focus on the topic to avoid confusions to the students and maximize the time allotted for the learning process. Too much information could lead to â€Å"information overload† that the student will tend to disengage from the learning process. Instructional Material Evaluation. I chose to use the preschool program of the HighReach for they guaranteed that the programs are aligned with the states and federal standards. Moreover, they clearly stated and specified their objectives as to what learning skills they intend to develop upon the students.They also have programs that will develop not just the intrapersonal development but also the interpersonal learning. Works cited: Alto, P. Designing Learning Space Project- Designing a Preschool Highschool [Electronic Version]. Morton, D. J. B. (2003). Selecting and Using Instructional resources to Enhance Instruction [Electronic Version].

Friday, November 8, 2019

Quest For Fire Essays - Films, Quest For Fire, The Tribe

Quest For Fire Essays - Films, Quest For Fire, The Tribe Quest For Fire Quest for Fire This story happens 80,000 years ago when our ancestors first discovered the power of fire, but did not know how to master it. One day, a peaceful tribe is attacked by apes and wolves. Many die in the fighting and the tribe is forced to leave their territory. They move to a small island, and on their way, they lose their treasurefire. Fire to them is like the door to a house. Without the door, the house will not collapse. But when a robber comes, the house has no protection. Without fire, men can live, but they lose their most powerful weapon when they are attacked. Thus, the tribe is in a great danger. An attack of wolves or other beasts can easily kill them. Because they don't know how to make fire, they send out three members of the tribe to look for fire. On their way, they save a girl but she runs away later. Then the three men are captured by another more advanced tribe (everyone in the area seems to be evolving at a different rate). In the tribe, they meet the girl who they saved earlier and one of them fell in love with the girl. They also learn how to make fire on their own. The three men and the girl flee one day and return to the small island where their tribe is. The people of their tribe are very excited about their return and they are even more exciting when they learn that they can make fire by themselves. From now on, humans life is no more depends on Gods favor. They can manage their own life. In spite of causing me nearly to vomit, this movie has some good aspects. It uses excellent sound effects and perfect makeup technique to make this movie very realistic. There is no dialogue throughout the whole movie, but the body language and gestures of men well explain the story. This movie makes you think a lot about our ancestors, where we came from and how we would survive in a world where the secret of how to make fire is as momentous as we would regard the moon landing today . . . This movie also makes me feel grateful that I do not live 80,000 years ago. Their life is brutal and savage. They have no houses, no cars and they have to fight with animals face to face. Compared to them, we are living in a paradise right now. Bibliography a review of movie quest for fire

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Creating Behavior Goals for Early Intervention Programs

Creating Behavior Goals for Early Intervention Programs Managing difficult behavior is one of the challenges that makes or breaks effective instruction. Early Intervention Once young children are identified as needing special education services, it is important to begin to work on those learning to learn skills, which importantly, include self regulation. When a child begins an early intervention program, it is not uncommon to find that parents have worked harder to placate their child than to teach them the desired behavior.   At the same time, those children have learned how to manipulate their parents to avoid those things they dont like, or to get the things they do want.    If a child’s behavior impacts his or her ability to perform academically, it requires a Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) by law (IDEA of 2004.) It is wise to attempt to identify and modify behavior informally, before you go to the lengths of an FBA and BIP. Avoid accusing parents or whining about behavior: if you gain the cooperation of parents early on you can avoid another IEP team meeting. Behavior Goal Guidelines Once you have established that you will need an FBA and BIP, then it’s time to write IEP Goals for behaviors. Write you goals positively as much as possible. Name the replacement behavior. Instead of writing â€Å"Zachary will not hit his neighbors† write â€Å"Zachary will keep hands and feet to himself.† Measure it through interval observation, noting the percentage of 15 or 30 minutes with hands and feet free behavior.Avoid preachy, values freighted words, especially â€Å"responsible† and â€Å"accountable.† When discussing with the student â€Å"why† feel free to use these words, such as â€Å"Lucy, I’m so happy you’re being responsible for your temper. You used your words instead!!† Or, â€Å"James, you’re 10 now, and I think you’re old enough to be accountable for your own homework.† But goals should read: â€Å"Lucy will tell a teacher or peer when she is angry and count to 10, 80 percent of the day (interval objective.) â€Å" â€Å"James will return completed homework 80% of days, or 4 out of 5 days.à ¢â‚¬ (frequency objective.)There are basically two kinds of objectives as noted above: interval and frequency goals. Interval goals are measured across intervals, and imply an increase of replacement behavior. Frequency goals measure the number of occurrences of a preferred or replacement behavior during a time period. The goal of behavior goals should be to extinguish, or eliminate, undesirable behavior and replace it with appropriate, productive behavior. Focusing on the target behavior may reinforce it and inadvertently make it stronger and more difficult to eliminate.   Focusing on the replacement behavior should help extinguishing the behavior. Anticipate an extinction burst before behavior improves.Problem behavior is not usually the result of reflective, thoughtful choices. It is usually emotional and learned- because it has helped the child get what he or she wanted. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about it, talk about the replacement behavior and talk about the emotional content of good behavior. It just doesn’t belong in an  IEP. Examples of Behavior Goals When prompted by the teacher or teaching staff, John will line up, keeping hands and feet to himself in 8 of ten opportunities as documented by teacher and staff in three of four consecutive days.  In an instructional setting (when instruction is presented by the teacher) Ronnie will remain in his seat for 80% of one minute intervals over 30 minutes as observed by teacher or teaching staff in three of four consecutive probes.  In small group activities and instructional groups Belinda will ask staff and peers for access to supplies (pencils, erasers, crayons) in 4 out of 5 opportunities as observed by teacher and teaching staff in three of four consecutive probes.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Community Health of Kansas City, Missouri - The Nurses Role within an Research Paper

Community Health of Kansas City, Missouri - The Nurses Role within an Inner City School District - Research Paper Example However, much of these efforts would go in vain if good health practices were not indulged in the curriculum of educational institutions. Our environment is no longer the same, even compared to that in the 20th century, and so are the human practices. Looking at the current world’s student population, millions of bright brains and inventive individuals are represented. Taking this into account, measures have been set up to ensure that all students are given nothing but the best by the society in which they live and learn. This study will only focus on the need for a school nurse in Public Schools to educate and promote African-American students on health issues that have become rampant in our lives, as will be explicitly discussed in this paper. The main reason of coming up with this study was driven by the fact that in the 21st century the education of a number of children, i.e. African-American students, is compromised by conditions and behavior patterns that undermine their physical and emotional well-being, hence, making learning within the framework of the current system of education quite difficult. Therefore, education policy-makers and teachers have embraced health promotional activities to reach their goal of inspiring students. As a result of this, schools have become both centers of learning and supportive venues for the provision of essential health education and services (UNESCO, 2001). Implementation Strategies To ensure implementation of healthy lifestyle and learning-friendly environment in the institutions, various departments concerned with the management of public schools can take note of the following: i. Initiating healthy public schools’ policy: this would involve making health a major factor to consider within the framework of all policies and legislation of schools because they all influence health in one way or another. ii. Creation of supportive environments: all members of the public schools have responsibility to do the ir best to create safe surrounding; coming up with safe, satisfying and healthy living and learning conditions; and giving support to health lifestyles. iii. Developing personal skills: supporting individual and learners’ development; and providing necessary information, education and improving life skills. iv. Strengthening students’ action: this would involve empowering the school fraternity, ensuring learners participation, and providing full and easy access to health related information. v. Re-orienting health services: this strategy would broaden the roles of health services from being authoritative and individual-based to shared responsibility and partnership for health, emphasizing on preventive rather than clinical and curative measures. 1. Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Diabetes Type 2 Good basic education outcome is only achievable through good health and nutrition as the essential input factors. All learners have to be healthy and well-nourished to be a ble to effectively participate in the learning process. In support of this initiative, the International agencies, i.e. WHO, UNESCO, World Bank and UNICEF, come up with approaches that would ensure healthy environment for students. FRESH (Focusing Resources on Effective School Health) was a bright example of the strategy already launched by

Friday, November 1, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Contemporary Issues in Childhood - Essay Example Donnelly et al (2000) detail the conditions associated with obesity such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes. According to Snorof et al (2004) obese children are physically at risk also for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, orthopedic problems, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease and other debilitating diseases. These authors also suggest that obese children are prone to psychological and social discrimination. Being obese makes a child a target for taunts from peers and negative reactions from others, leaving the child with hurt feelings and possibly, low self-esteem and depression (Holmes, 1998). The negative effects of obesity can be detrimental to a child’s growth and development, thus, the problem of obesity needs to be confronted early in life and solutions provided. Clearly, overweight children have the potential to become overweight or obese adults and early intervention is needed to reverse this trend (Barnes, 2011). If childhood obesity is ign ored or tolerated because parents do not see the seriousness of its consequences, the health risks are more likely to affect these children, and as they grow into obese adults, the health problems will escalate. Parents need to realize that ignoring the problem of their overweight and obese children may have a great societal impact. This poses as a huge concern for NHS due to the burden that will befall them in terms of costs of caring for obese people with various health complications (NHS, 2011). This strengthens the need for more approaches in handling childhood obesity in order to reduce and prevent the problem from its onset. Before solutions and strategies for tackling obesity can be developed, it is important to know the causes of the problem so these causes are addressed and challenged through the different approaches. Apart from the proliferation of junk food and the media that endorses